Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ok, Motherfuckers...

here's a new post for chris that kind of sounds the same as my previous post, but not really at all.


i think it is funny that i hear about houston news from them northern folk quicker than i do here. i am glad smoking got banned in dining areas. although i am an occasional smoker, i wish they would prohibit it in bars because everybody seems to smoke in Texas. it's gross to leave a bar and the smell of my own hair and clothes makes me want to barf up an entire gutful of white russians and miller lite - the combination of which is brutal in itself. it can push me - and my guts - over the edge. this one time i found a drink called Fat Ho On A Bike - it's ameretto, tequila, and coke... a cola. don't ever do it. someone suggested i also try flaming dr. peppers - which looks pretty and tastes pretty going down, but not so much coming up. i also ate some payaya (sp?) before all this drinking and wound up head in toilet. apparently i swallowed some squid whole and it was waving at me, swimming away, free of my toxic stomach juices. that is scary. i also had the phone with me and am told that it went something like this:

Phone: RING
Crystal: Hello?
Phone: RING
Friend: Crystal - unlock the bathroom door.
Phone: RING
Crystal: Hello?
Friend: (knock knock knock) You have to push the button!
Phone: RING
Crystal: Hello?
Phone: RING

Also, in the morning, my "friend" decided it would be a good idea to give me milk and asprin(!), which immediately curdled in my stomach and i puked/dry heaved for an additional 2 hours.

This post, unlike the first , really had nothing to do with cigarettes. Just felt like talking about throwing up. That's what yall get, you doubting motherfuckers.


Blogger Chris Cope said...

"Paella" is the name of the Spanish rice and seafood dish.

10:37 AM  

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